Wezesha Dada: Helping Ann to realize her life vision
When Ann Wajiru graduated from high school, she knew that she faced many challenges to realizing her potential. In rural Rongai country, Kenya, women are sidelined from positions of leadership in economic and political spheres. Local cultural beliefs confine women to the roles of wife and mother and limit their voice in local leadership. These cultural norms are reinforced through gender-based violence and a lack of pathways to positions of leaders for women.
Playmakers Theatre CBO seeks to challenge these cultural inequalities through their Wezesha Dada (Empower a Woman) project, funded by Pangea Giving. The project seeks to empower young women through a holistic program that includes education in sexual and reproductive health as well as training and mentorship in entrepreneurship and life skills.
Ann Wanjiru is one of the 250 women who participated in the women’s group and mentorship program in 2019. Because of the program, she was able to build her self-confidence and define her vision and goals in life.
Ann is enrolled in university to study law where she is now a leader in her circle thanks to the self-confidence that she gained through Wezesha Dada. Ann also applied for a business opportunity grant through the Kenya Youth Employment Opportunity Program (KYEOP) and received 40,000 Kenya shillings (equivalent to $400) to start a poultry business.

While the program changed dramatically with the onset of pandemic quarantine measures in Kenya, Playmakers Theatre continues to find ways to support local communities and empower women. You can learn more about their current work by attending our October 6 webinar, Navigating the Challenges of COVID-19 in Kenya’s Rift Valley.