Membership Contributions & Donations

Your financial contribution makes a tangible difference in the lives of people in the communities where our partners work in Latin America, East Africa, and Southeast Asia. Your gift also supports a progressive form of global philanthropy that relies on an engaged learning community of individuals here in the United States and the power of person-to-person connections between donors and grant partners.

Contribute by becoming a member or making a donation of any amount.

Image shows village health educator group discussion

Other Ways to Donate

Donate by Check: If you’d like to pay by check, please make payable to “Pangea Giving” and mail to: Pangea Giving | 10115 Greenwood Ave N. #142, Seattle, WA 98133

Donate by Stock or Donor Advised Funds: We also accept donations by stock and donor advised funds. For stock contributions, please email

Arrange a Matching Gift (Corporate Matching): Many employers in our community sponsor corporate matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions that their employees make. Contact your company’s HR department to find out if they match gifts and to learn your options.

If you have questions about any of these giving options or about our work, please email