ASOGEN, a Pangea partner since 2013, provides psychological and social support services to female survivors of abuse and violence in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Julia is one of the beneficiaries of their programs (Note: Julia's name was changed to protect her identity). Throughout her life, Julia has faced discrimination and physical, sexual and emotional abuse, from both relatives and strangers. On top of this, Julia was deported from the United States and separated from her son in the process. Thanks to the work and intervention of ASOGEN psychologists, Julia has not only been able to narrate her painful story, but also to...[ Read More ]
In January 2018, five Pangea women landed in Antigua, Guatemala to the familiar textile rich AirBnb where we have stayed before, five rooms around a lovely garden which lent itself to gathering in the evening to debrief the day. The site visit, a mere seven days, seemed much longer as we dove deep into the culture. ~Betsy Hale This was a visit of deepening our knowledge about and connection with four grant partners that we have funded from 2 to 7 years. In addition to visits to known and trusted organizations, we learned about the ever-changing political, social, and economic...[ Read More ]
Pangea Giving site visits are taking place this week in Guatemala, January 14-21. To start, the group of five Pangea members are basing out of Antigua, for day trips to three Pangea Giving grantees: Asociación Comunidad La Esperanza, Women’s Justice Initiative, and ASOGEN (Asociación Generando Equidad, Liderazgo y Oportunidades). The team kicked off the week yesterday with a day of context meetings and presentations by various English-speaking expats who are well versed in the Guatemala non-profit world, as well as the history of political and other violence which have restricted human rights. Pangea’s grant to AC Esperanza, now in its...[ Read More ]
Pangea Giving partner, Asociación Generando (ASOGEN) launched an educational initiative this year called “New Masculinity” for men from various communities, ages, and professions that has been having a huge impact. Working on a local, national and international level, ASOGEN is preventing violence against females by working with men and adolescents to change their belief systems around what it means to be a man. The purpose of "New Masculinity" program is to empower participants toward responsible paternity, child spacing, etc.; and personal empowerment to facilitate positive changes in the men’s lives and help them to take on personal development on an equal and...[ Read More ]