Taa’Pi’t creating intercultural educational community

Many of the communities we support have suffered from the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns that have closed economies and school systems. Our partners have been responding to address the evolving needs of these communities.

Taa’Pi’t, our partner based in San Pedro la Laguna, Guatemala, has started offering educational programs on nutrition and health through local television programs to reach families social distancing at home. The programs are offered in Spanish and the local language, Maya Tzutujil. You can read about the programs in the July newsletter from Taa’Pi’t Director Juan Manuel, which we share below. (muchisimos gracias to Pangea member Diane Logan for providing the translation)

Dear Friends,

Happiness, peace, prosperity and hope to those who, in the midst of the darkness and chaos, share the energy of light and harmony with their brothers who have been deprived of what are their natural rights as part of the human race.

Bless you for your generosity, even if it were to help only one person. But Taa’ Pi’t can testify that there are many of us who receive the benefits of your support and solidarity.


COVID-19 Coronavirus in Guatemala

On Sunday, March 22, a national curfew was imposed, from 4 am to 4 pm.  Currently, the curfew is from 5 am to 6 pm.

With the resulting immobilization and other prohibitions, corruption is growing.  For San Pedro la Laguna and the other Mayan villages around Lake Atitlan, this situation causes more poverty, ignorance and poor health, exacerbating the situation that has existed for hundreds of years. Certainly, there will be very serious consequences!

In the educational context, the Ministry of Education is broadcasting classes on national TV. These classes have serious deficiencies versus in-person classes, and San Pedro is not exempt from these shortcomings.

Taa’ Pi’t has also been affected, but we have adapted our services to the current reality of the students and their families because now is when they most need educational support.

“Learn for Life” Program

The educational program “Learn for Life” is a response to the current situation. Taa’ Pi’t is offering it to students and their families in order to continue to improve their education.

This “Learn for Life” program is transmitted via local TV, and is directed at the entire San Pedro population.  We have prioritized content, emphasizing foods that strengthen the immune system, a critical family need at this time. Each program has one theoretical part and two practical parts. In teaching how to cook the foods, the mothers are included to support their children, and in the gardening part, the fathers are generally involved.

“Learn for Life” has several objectives, including: the nutrition of the children and their parents; food sustainability; agriculture; and the environment. The program is based on Mayan teachings, which involve the whole family and the community for a child’s education.

It also includes Taa’ Pi’t’s values: to contribute to the children’s education and happiness; to reinforce our Mayan culture; to bring health back to our Mother Lake, Atitlán, and to our Mother Nature in our immediate surroundings.

Upcoming programs will have content relating to family gardens, cooking for mothers, emotional education, games, etc.

Included with their recent newsletter, Taa’Pi’t shared three recipes for refreshing and healthy summer drinks. These recipes are just a few examples of the health and nutrition education program Taa’Pi’t provides to local families. For our Spanish literate friends, check these recipes out below.

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