Pangea Celebrates 16 Years at Our Annual Celebration

New President Maryann Ness (left) with members Lynda & Jerry Fireman

Pangea’s Annual Celebration of Grant Awards and Meeting took place on Saturday, April 14. The 2100 Building Community Room was converted into a colorful, joyful place with a slide show of previous site visits, music, photos of our grant partners, colorful table cloths, flowers, and the smell of delicious Mediterranean hors d’oeuvres. A collection of forty-five Pangea members, friends, and visitors attended.

Anne Sively welcomed the group and spoke about how site visits provide an opportunity to combine tourism with meaningful learning from inspiring leaders and organizations (read more about insights from our grant partners in Guatemala here). Betsy Hale, the outgoing President, reviewed the highlights of the past year and previewed what is ahead. She cited examples of impressive innovations in many of the organizations we fund making the point that our grant partners do much with very little. She reported on the new planned giving program that Pangea will launch shortly. Treasurer, Mary Williamson, gave the financial report citing the increase in our grant pool in 2018 and the successful end of the year appeal last December.

Latin America Pod Chair Patti Kilpatrick & Pangea member Darrell Johnson

Long-serving board member Allan Paulson

Three Pangea members honored Allan Paulson, co-founder and retiring board member, with photos and words mentioning his many contributions to Pangea.

Paul Silver, Education Chair, led a brainstorming session to gather ideas for educational events. Maryann Ness, the new President, ended the meeting with toasts in the Russian tradition to people and goals for the coming year.

For more photos, check out the Grants Celebration Flickr album.